Zoning & Building Safety

Rock Island County Zoning and Building Department is responsible for Zoning, Building, Property Maintenance, Planning, Stormwater and Floodplain ordinances.

The Zoning Department assists residents with zoning requests, questions, applications for variances, rezoning and special use permits, as well as investigating complaints regarding zoning violations and overseeing regulations.

The Building Department is responsible for enforcement of the County's Building Codes, including reviewing plans for new and altered construction projects, issuing building permits and occupancy permits and on-site inspections.

Zoning and Building employees also answer questions from residents, business contacts, potential residents, and corporate clients interested in locating in the county regarding building requirements, zoning requirements and all applicable rules and regulations. This department only has authority over properties located in unincorporated Rock Island County. All Cities and Villages have their own departments to handle these issues.

See the Directory for a list of staff and their contact information.