How to Make a Herbicide Wick

An herbicide wick allows herbicide to be brushed onto weeds without getting any on crops or plants. This ensures that only unwanted weeds are killed. The wick is made with rope and PVC pipe. It has a long handle so it is easy to use. Herbicide wicks can be made at home.

Weeds can be killed with an herbicide wick applicator.

Things You Will Need

  1. Cut off 4 inches from the 40-inch PVC pipe.
  2. Use cement to secure the "neck" of the PVC "T" fitting into one end of the 36-inch PVC pipe.


Fill the tube with water first to measure the amount of water-soluble herbicide solution it will hold. Use a funnel for accurate pours.

The Drip Cap

Megan Richardson began her career as a freelance writer and editor in 2009. She has experience in public relations and event planning, and she worked as a writer's assistant to a published author for more than a year. Her work has also appeared in "The Daily Sentinel." Richardson holds a Bachelor of Arts in communication and journalism from Stephen F. Austin State University